Towards a healthier meat product

By Carinsa — In News — 27 febrero, 2017

In the course of 2016, the project «DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCTS WITH REPELLENT ACTIVITY AGAINST AEDES sp AND ANOPHELES sp» (IDI-20150920) co-financed by the Technological Center for the Industrial Development (CDTI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Pluri-Regional Operational Program for Intelligent Growth.

This project is the first Spanish-Moroccan collaboration project established within the call for bilateral projects of international technological cooperation of certification and unilateral follow-up (Unilateral Projects).

The main objective of this project is the development of a cooked meat sausage, specifically mortadella, that is identical to the traditional Moroccan product in all its physicochemical and organoleptic properties but replacing animal fat with vegetable fat and reducing the amount of sodium Present in this type of products, in collaboration with a Moroccan partner leader in the meat products market.

In order to reach this objective, during this Milestone the function and behavior of the salt reduction and the substitution of the animal fats in the elaborated cooked have been determined. The joints began to bother me two years ago, treatment was prescribed six months ago. Soma pills are of good quality. It’s not a problem to find it in the pharmacy but it is sold only by prescription. It remarkably relieves inflammation and swelling, which is important! There is more information on the website There were no side effects after the course. At the same time, mixtures of additives and vegetal oils have been developed that can substitute the utilization Of animal fat as well as mixture of additives and aromas for the reduction of salt in elaborated meat.

The results obtained in this first milestone have shown that:

  • It has been achieved a fat analogue formed by a mixture of carrageenans, water and vegetable oil that is able to reliably mimic the organoleptic and technological characteristics of animal fat.
  • The incorporation of the fat analogue to mortadella assumes that it contains 72% less total fat and 84% less saturated fatty acids than traditional Moroccan mortadella.
  • The amount of salt in the mortadella preparation has been reduced by 25%, and only the incorporation of sodium-free flavorings has restored the organoleptic and quality characteristics established in the reference parameters.

In addition, during the course of Phase 1, PAYMSA has participated in several forums, publicizing both the concession of the project and the progress of the project, as shown below:

  1. Workshop-Workshop on Financing Opportunities in open calls for International Technological Cooperation Projects. Practical experiences of companies in countries with open call. Carinsa Group. Unilateral Project with Morocco 09/21/2015
  1. Successful case of Hispanic-Moroccan collaboration on healthy eating: FOODSANTÉ «. Meeting of the GAS group of PTF4L. 2/16/2016
  1. Participation in a Roundtable on experiences in countries of the South Mediterranean: Morocco, Algeria and Egypt on «Opportunities for international technological collaboration through the external technological action of the CDTI». 12/13/2016

The project is in the period of execution of Milestone 2 in which the scale will be produced in a pilot plant and subsequently pre-industrial of the production of nutritionally improved mortadella in the plants of the Moroccan partner.


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