An eco-innovation project to incorporate sustainable cosmetics into textile products

By Carinsa — In Participació, Projects — 18 marzo, 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Carinsa Group participates in the R & D FUN- @ctive project financed by the CIEN program of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The FUN-@active project is already underway, in which Grupo Carinsa participates together with other dozen companies and technology centers, and which has a CDTI subsidy of six million euros. FUN-@ctive aims to develop new sustainable and ecological products in the field of cosmetotextiles, that is, textile products with functional assets in the field of cosmetics and beauty.

FUN-@ctive wants to respond, in this way, to the growing consumer demand to acquire products that combine quality, technology, sustainability and personalization: «Our leitmotiv is the consumer, his satisfaction is our priority. The execution of the FUN-@ctive project will allow us to get closer to the users of cosmetotextiles, providing them with greater therapeutic, wellness and relaxation benefits, while using environmentally sustainable technologies and processes”,  explains the director of the Fragrance Division of Carinsa Group, Denia Martínez.

In general terms, the functionalities that FUN-@ctive seeks in the new products to be developed are hydration, reducing / anti-cellulite activity and antioxidant power. In the specific case of Carinsa Group, its most important participation focuses on microencapsulating the assets to fix them in the textiles and to be released through different technologies, such as changes in the pH of the user’s skin, friction or heat release. I take Klonopin 2 times a day. A sense of calm and relaxation while observing the regime. With an overdose, there is a feeling of intoxication, the feeling of pain is dulled. After about 3-5 hours, there is a feeling of drowsiness.

This R + D project has an expected duration of four years and its global budget exceeds 6.1 million euros.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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